Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Philippines Day 12 plus video

Our second to last day here in the Philippines. Its been difficult taking the Canon out because of the rain. There has been a typhoon passing the northern part of Luzon (which is the northern main island of the Philippine archipelago). So there hasn't been any photos of worth the past few days. I don't want to mess up the camera, and the humidity fogs up the lens so bad that any photo I take comes out hazy. So videos it is! =)

I'm really sad knowing I have to leave this place and get back to the real world back home in Texas. I'm going to have a lot of work ahead of me catching up at work. I hope I get enough rest and get readjusted to the time so I can make it through the week next week. I'm getting anxious and a little nervous. One good thing I'm looking forward to is getting to drive Samantha again. That's what I named my car, by the way. I know, I know, its kind of corny, but that's who I am. One thing is for sure, I am definitely NOT going to complain about traffic in Dallas after being in Philippines. =)

We finished off shopping today at SM San Fernando. I was out of cash, but luckily, they accept American Express at the department store. I got some nice goodies to take home for some folks. We had lunch at my absolute favorite place as a kid growing up in the Philippines. Well, its practically every Filipino kid's favorite place–Jollibee!!! Jollibee is a Filipino fast food chain, serving fast food versions of classic Filipino food like pancit, palabok, and then some. I had Spaghetti with a piece of Chicken Joy, which is fried chicken. I remember having birthday parties at Jollibee when I was a kid, so its always a treat for me as an adult to eat there when I come to the Philippines. I hear that they have a Jollibee in California somewhere. That might just get added to the road trip list.

After getting back to the hotel, our Tito Arnold came by to drop off some things to take home for my mom and for his sister, Tita Len, who is in San Antonio. I got to meet his children and grandchild. Its always nice meeting family members, no matter how distant we are. Each family member that we meet presents a story about how we are all connected to each family. So in my mind, our family is alive and growing.

If I had to sum up this trip home, there were three things I really enjoyed the most. First, it has to be watching my dad be a teenager again during his high school reunion. I love it when I see my dad enjoying himself and be so excited about seeing old friends, and also being himself. It's like watching someone rediscovering how to laugh and smile all over again.

Second, I will always treasure our little side trip to Boracay Island. Getting to do that with my dad and brother is great in so many ways. I love hearing stories and just getting to be with the boys. We haven't bonded like that in a very long time. So it was a delight to be around both of them, and we not once did we want to bite each other's heads off. =)

Finally, I got to learn some history about my dad's side of the family. I practically grew up with my mom's side of the family, and the time we spent with my dad's side was really limited when we lived here. So I have to say that I really didn't know the history of my dad's side of the family, the family whose last name I carry. What I learned is that every family has their own dynamics. May it be a functional or a dysfunctional dynamic, we have to accept and learn from each other, and hope that each member of the family learn how important it is to contribute something of worth for our family's sake.

At the end of the day, someone's self worth is all we have. No amount of material belongings matter. What matters is how we perceive ourselves. Have we been a success? Have we been a failure? Have we made a difference? Have we lived a good life? Have we made a good name for us? Have we done all the things we can do for our children to make sure they can survive in this world and continue the family traditions we hold near and dear to our hearts?

Its been an amazing trip, and I will look back at this as the best time I've ever had. Its been very educational and I've learned more about myself than ever. We have one more day, and I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it.


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