Sunday, October 10, 2010

Philippines Day 3 - Fiesta La Naval

Sorry for not posting last night, but I was extremely tired and passed out soon as we got to the hotel room. Too much fun, eating and drinking got to me.

Yesterday we celebrated the Fiesta of La Naval. (The following paragraphs are taken from Fiesta La Naval is a celebration commemorating the victory of the poorly armed and greatly outnumbered Spanish-Filipino forces against the powerful Dutch fleet off of Bataan in 1646. The Dutch were said to be after the riches of the Philippine archipelago, and to replace Catholicism with Dutch Protestant Calvinism. Victory was attributed to the prayer of the Rosary to our Holy Mother before each battle. According to accounts, only 15 defenders of the island died in all 5 of the bloody naval battles, after which the Dutch miraculously retreated, never to return.

After a thorough deliberation and examination by the Ecclesiastical Committee in Cavite made up of doctors of theology and canonical experts, the naval victories were declared on April 9, 1662 as "miraculous, granted by the Sovereign Lord through the intercession of the Most Holy Virgin and devotion to her rosary."

The committee then mandated that "the miracles be celebrated, preached and held in festivities and to be recounted among the miracles wrought by the Lady of the Rosary for the greater devotion of the faithful to Our Most Blessed Virgin Mary and her holy rosary."

The first celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of La Naval was held on October 8, 1646 in Manila.
In 1981, the late Pope John Paul II dedicated the country and the whole of Asia to the Blessed Mother: "I entrust the destiny of the Philippines and of all Asia to Mary, Queen of the Rosary with the title of La Naval."

Since then, Filipinos celebrates the victory through the first and last of October, with parades, food, and prayers at the church. Here are the photos from our celebration in the Zamora household.


The best part are the ears, tail, and skin. Served in a liver gravy. Yum-O

A dish called Pastel. My aunt and uncle once again taught me how to make this. =)

My Brother and our cousin Ate Amy.

A plate of lechon.

My beautiful cousin Ate Amy.

...and her extremely shy kids.

My little nephew RK.

The spread.

My plate.... Jesus Cristo! That was ridonculous!

More to come! GZ

Here's the video.