Monday, October 11, 2010

Philippines Day 4 - Ka Vibes 65 45th HS Reunion

Today is my dad's 45th high school reunion. "Ka Vibes" is a term they use to describe their class. The literal meaning is "Same Vibe" describing how all of them are on the same page as far as attitude toward life in general. There are a wide range of backgrounds with my dad's class. From house wives and house husbands to army generals and presidential cabinet members.

Being around this group allowed me to see a major cultural difference between high school reunions in the US and in the Philippines. Most people in the US, by my observation, dread going back for their 10 year, or whatever year, reunion. People here, at least in my dad's class, EVERYONE looks forward to their reunion.

It just seems like they genuinely like everyone they went to school with. The only people who didn't make the reunion are either unable to due to health issues, or they've passed away. I attended my 10 year reunion last year, and most people I spoke to who weren't there, which was over half the class, said that they didn't want to because they didn't like most of the people they went to school with, or they just flat out didn't care.

To be honest, I was kind of dreading shooting my dad's reunion–for a few reasons. My brother and cousins were going to go have fun while I work, and, well, yeah…that's the only reason. I want to have fun! You can't blame me for that!!! But, I am glad I went because it was great seeing my dad in that light.

My dad always talks about how much fun he has during reunions. He always comes back with stories of what they did and the craziness that ensues at these functions. I'm glad to have experienced it first hand.

I can see why too. There were no jealousy, no one talking behind other people's back, there were no trying to out do each other as far as occupation and current living status. They care about each other so much that they've started a foundation to collect money for each others kids' education, or even funds to send their less fortunate classmates to the reunion.

Here's a few of the photos I took during my dad's event...

We had mass to begin the day's festivities. This is a view of the altar of the church located at Holy Angel University, my dad's school.

...and here's a side view from outside.

I'm not hiding any misconceptions about Asians and their picture taking stigma. This took almost an HOUR after mass ended. lol

When I was looking through photos to post, I kept noticing how happy my dad looked. I kept imagining him when he was younger because it seemed as though he was in high school again. That made me happy. =)


...and the spread, and NO, Raymon, yeah you! That is NOT the future Mrs. Glenn Zamora in the background... she was busy working the event and I didn't get to take a photo! lol jk ... or am I?

This last photo is just a sample of the craziness they get into. Although my dad told me that they had to tame it down this year because they invited the old priest they had while they were in school to the reunion. Also, one of their classmates is a nun. Holy Angel University is a Catholic school, by the way. The photo is of a game called musical chairs–I'm sure you guys are familiar with that, but instead of chairs, the women had to sit on the men's laps... oh the hilarity!!

Video to come soon.



  1. Makes me sooo happy to see him happy too!! =)

  2. You look at things so differently .. and I admire you for that Glenn..thanks for sharing.. I've seen Kuya Lito on those moments when I went with him sport fishing in Fort Lauderdale..

  3. This is awesome, I'm so glad my son, Ben, sent me a link to it. He knows how I love the Philippines and Filipinos, for the very heart reasons you discovered. There is so much value in caring about people as you so greatly shared. I will leave for Asia tomorrow and I was supposed to stay at a guest house over the weekend where no one else would be until Monday. They arranged for me to stay in someone's house "So I wouldn't get lonely!" Can you imagine anyone caring about that here? I LOVE Asia, and especially the PI's :)

  4. HI Barb, thanks for commenting. There is something so special about the Asian culture and its emphasis on family. Specially here in the Philippines, and I'm proud to be a part of it. Have a safe trip to Asia!!
